REACHING beyond Sundays

We have the opportunity to see our city flourish by reaching beyond our Sundays to meet the physical, social, and spiritual needs of our city. Imagine making the church the center of our community again by creating a place where people feel welcome and at home all throughout the week. Ignoring the safety net of our church pews, we will cultivate relationships with our communities through acts of amazing love while introducing them to a God of amazing grace.  Reaching our community will take more than just a church - it will take a movement. A movement of Christ followers who are not only ready to see their city revitalized but are willing to be agents of the gospel.

  • ADA accessibility throughout facility

  • Develop our facility and properties as a gift for our city.

  • Partner with community organizations through ministries like The VIP Ministry, The Jail Ministry, and Sound Choices.

  • Serve our neighboring communities through ministries like The Van Ministry, Wilson Serve, and MAPS: Local.